Morgan Guyton is a fairly popular
online presence, blogging for years under the title Mercy
Not Sacrifice, now
part of the Progressive Christian Channel at Some will immediately balk at the word "progressive,"
but, although Guyton can be very political at times, his writing does not
always fit the typical rhetoric of the Left. As Edwin Tait asserts
in his review of Guyton's new book on, "the book is far more than yet another attack on the
distortions of conservative Protestantism, and the Christianity it offers should challenge anyone who thinks that 'progressive
Christianity' is just a watered-down, culturally
accommodated version of the real thing. This is a winsome, beautifully written,
passionate presentation of the central truths of Christianity."
"Mercy Not Sacrifice" is,
of course, based on Hosea 6:6, which reads in the NIV: "I desire mercy,
not sacrifice, and acknowledgement of God rather than burnt offerings."
Jesus quotes this passage in Matthew 9:13 and 12:7, telling his critics they
have not understood the significance of the passage in Hosea. In Chapter two of How Jesus Saves the World from Us (Mercy, not Sacrifice: How We
Love People), Guyton points out the word "mercy" in Hosea could be
translated "steadfast love" (as in the New Revised Standard Version)
or "loyalty"—"the kind of unconditional love that people have within
a family." In verse four, God compares Israel's love to morning mist or
dew which quickly disappears. God wanted people to be loyal to him instead of
going after other gods. The Pharisees thought they were being loyal to God by
judging Jesus and his disciples for eating with sinners and plucking grain on
the Sabbath. But Jesus says they are not understanding loyalty to God involves
how they treat others. "Jesus' interpretation means that the best way to
show God steadfast love is not through a stringent life of sacrifice,
but by extending mercy to other people."
This is reminiscent of what the
Apostle John writes in his first epistle: "...if we don't love people we
can see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see?" [1 John 4:20 NLT] We
too often forget our love for God is demonstrated in how we treat people. Our
devotion to God is shown, not by being nit picky and critical of what people do
– as if God needs us to keep people perfectly in line, but by showing mercy.
Isn't that how we would want to be treated? As the master in one of Jesus'
parables puts it, "Shouldn't you have had mercy on your fellow servant
just as I had on you?" [Matthew 18:33 NIV]
The first chapter of the book
describes how we are able to love God because of the mercy he has shown us. If
conservative Christians have any doubts about the gospel Morgan is promoting in
his book, they should be relieved by what he says in the chapter: Worship, Not
Performance: How We Love God. There can be no doubt about the author's
commitment to justification by grace through faith. He writes, "God loves
it when we do our best. god loves hearing us sing our hearts out and watching
us perform the deeds of our lives with excellence. But God doesn't want us to
do anything out of an anxious need to justify ourselves.... the Christian
gospel teaches that instead of being justified by our good deeds or right
answers, we are justified by God's grace." He goes back to the
beginning with Adam and Eve and discusses how the Fall caused them to lose
their innocence and become self-conscious. Humans now learn to hide under
"masks of social performance" in order to look good to other people –
and to God. Jesus can to save us from that so we could freely worship him
instead of trying to perform well enough to be accepted.
Many conservative Christians have
forgotten their roots and what the gospel is really about. This comes out in
our judgmental spirit and self-righteous attitude toward others. Morgan would
call this toxic Christianity. But he doesn't exclude himself as part of the
problem, as implied by the "us" in the book's title, "How Jesus
Saves the World from Us: Antidotes to Toxic Christianity." In a recent blog post,
he gives this humble assessment of himself: "A wicked thought came into my
mind when I learned about the shootings in Orlando: This is why people
need to read my book. Thankfully, before I could post anything stupid on
Facebook, the Holy Spirit convicted me with a second thought: This is
why you’re still toxic."
Morgan would be the first to admit
he is not perfect. His book is not perfect. But hopefully people will give his
book a try in the same spirit of humility he tries to bring to his blog. There
are twelve total chapters which follow the same pattern: This, Not That: How
We... He describes what he believes are toxic attitudes, what these attitudes
should be replaced with, and how we should live. You may not agree with
everything he says, but, as someone wisely said, in order to grow, read those
with whom you disagree.
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